Одинокому львенку не с кем поиграть

Описание к видео Одинокому львенку не с кем поиграть

a lioness who has an only lion cub takes her away from her group for the safety of her very young cubs from other lion cubs.

the lioness was afraid that her only child would be disabled from playing with the big lion cubs.

this is just a fake story that I made myself ..
don't think wrong, I just made a different storyline to entertain you.

if there claim copyright in this video
please pleasee..🙏 send message at email [email protected]

to removal or credit for respectif the owner

I'm sorry, I'm doing this to support my parents' life.

that's why I ask for forgiveness, send a message via email and I will delete this video if there copyright by the owner

may god repay your kindness.. god bless you


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